
Wonder Vision Indigo Design Award 2023 - Winner

iCandy Core Film Wins Gold at the INDIGO Awards

Our work on the iCandy Core Launch won Gold in the Indigo Awards!  The Indigo Awards celebrate designers and studios that share passion for the…

Wonder Vision 10 Year Cover

Celebrating 10 Years Pushing Beyond Reality™

Thank you to everyone who has been part of our 10 year history. Our clients, our staff, our partners and our collaborators. Past and present….


German Design Award Winner 2020

The German Design Award is an annual international competition. It awards creativity and execution at the highest level.  We’re the 2020 winner for our CGI…


ISO:9001 + ISO:14001 Certification

For the fifth consecutive year, we have satisfied the external auditors to achieve the ISO 9001:2015 international standard. Our processes and management systems meet the…


Goldman Sachs 10kSB

Goldman Sachs deliver the The 10,000 Small Businesses investment programme. To support high growth businesses, economic opportunities and employment growth in the UK.  The programme…


Gold In The Indigo Design Awards

The Indigo Design Awards are an annual event that recognises individuality and creativity within the digital design world. 32 hand-picked jurors judge the competition. They…

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